Thursday, July 24, 2014

7 Motivational Tips to Survive in Business

To make motivation a daily part of your life, you need practice and perseverance. Below are seven ways to stock your motivation toolbox. Use these tools daily to keep your spirits and goals on track.

1. Accept where you are. By accepting your own abilities and working within your limitations, you can use valuable energy to create positive life changes. Someone once said, "Your circumstances don't control you, they define you!" The way you are reflects the sum total of your choices to date.

2. Dare to think in awesome dimensions. When you think about what you want to achieve, do you think of your self-proclaimed limits? Why stop where you stop? Try thinking in unusual or outrageous terms.

3. Don't dwell on defeat. When you give up in your mind, your mind gives up on you. Once this happens, the rest is downhill. Remember, there is no such thing as failure; there are only outcomes. If you don't like your outcome, try changing your activity.

4. Tap motivational resources. To counteract negative memories and thoughts, flood your mind with positive input every day by listening to motivational recordings – a podcast or audio book – while working out, on the drive home, on the road, or first thing when you wake up.

5. Stay committed to your career goals. People have a tendency to be on the lookout for a better deal. Lack of personal career commitment is the greatest source of dissatisfaction with one's profession. Get committed and learn to just say no to anything that doesn't support your career purpose.

6. Do not allow setbacks to control you. If you do, then your supporters may think that you don't have the resolve to stick to your plans for success. When you face an inevitable disappointment, accept it as a learning experience and find creative ways to work through it. You can choose to react to a disappointment by seeking solace and quitting, thus weakening your ability to do something positive about it. Or, instead of shrinking from challenges, you can choose to learn, resolve to handle a similar situation differently the next time around, and grow.

7. Never be intimidated. Most success is more perceived than real. It does no good to envy the possessions of others. There is a teaching in Buddhism: "People are not their stuff." This means that if you take all of your elements, such as your pride, body, friends, money, status, position, job, and anything else you can think of that you normally use to define another, and remove them from yourself, the real you is left. You are as important as anyone else on the planet.

Remember this saying: "If it is to be, it is up to me." You have to accept responsibility for getting what you want in your life. When you don't like a situation, take action to change it. Waiting for someone else to make the changes you want decreases your motivation and ability to act. By waiting, you diminish yourself and your cause.

Don't just take notice, take action.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

AWESOME Motivational Video Series

Hello Readers,

     I wanted to take this time to put together a series of "Motivational Videos" that will give you a TOTAL inspiring, motivating, powerful experience after watching the whole series... It's pretty amazing if you ask me..

But this is only my opinion... Just thought there's TONS of people that love motivational videos.. Plus, you don't have to go searching around for them, there right here, all in one place!!

I hope you enjoy them like I do!!

This first motivational video is about Purpose.. 

What Is Your Purpose

Second video is about Chasing Your Dreams & Never Giving Up

Third video is about Focus by Eric Thomas


Please make a comment on what you thought about my motivational video series.. I want to help as many people as I can.. If it just by motivation right now, SO BE IT!!.. It's my pleasure.. 

Until the next post!! Much blessings to you!
Carrie Moore

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Learn To Celebrate The Small Victories

Do You Reward Yourself For Your Accomplishments?

It is important that we take the time to celebrate even our SMALL victories..
It's time to take a step back and realize that instead of focusing on all that we're not getting done, we should be focusing on all that we are getting done. It's called, "Celebrate The Small Victories" approach. The intent is to give a little love to yourself for all the hard work you put into each day. This will make for a much happier existence, boost your self-esteem by placing focus on the positive and likely make you even more productive and energetic as time goes on. You can't lose.

By marking these successes, we make them stick out in our minds. It forces us to acknowledge our progress and increases the likelihood we'll repeat the positive behavior in the future. 

Did you have a good day at work today? Did you finish your project? Did you close a sale?

For stay-at-home moms, did you survive another day with a toddler? Did the kids get to and from school on time? Did you finish the household chores?

Whatever your goals, be sure to recognize your victories. So, go ahead and treat yourself for all your victories, even the SMALL ones!

Like for instances:
Go to lunch with your best friend.
Buy yourself a new outfit.
Call your parents and brag a little.
Take a weekend road trip.

Small victories are worth celebrating too! Making your victories special will make them memorable so, go ahead and pat yourself on the back once in awhile. YOU DESERVE IT!

Saturday, May 17, 2014

The Power Of Thinking Positive

The Power Of Thinking Positive

A life of success and achievement is a direct result of utilizing the power of positive thinking. The most important asset you have in your quest to live your dreams? It’s right under your nose. Actually your nose is part of it. It’s simply – YOU. More specifically YOUR MIND.


Your thoughts are the most important asset you have in your desire to achieve your dreams. They affect you in ways you never thought possible. The truth is, whether you know it or not, your thoughts are responsible for whatever place or situation you are in right now.

Nobody would argue that electricity exists. You can’t touch, smell, hear or see it, but its effects are evident everywhere you look. Its power is evident everywhere you look.

In the same way, your thoughts are energy. Your thoughts drive your life just as electricity drives a motor. That is the power there is in having a positive mental attitude.

There is power in thoughts; in negative and in positive thinking. Choose positive thinking and you will enjoy positive energy and positive results.

YOU ARE WHAT YOU THINK. This is one of my favorite positive thinking quotes:

If you think you are beaten you are;
If you think you dare not, you don't;
If you want to win but think you can't;
It's almost a cinch you won't.

If you think you'll lose you're lost;
For out of the world we find
Success begins with a fellow's will;
It's all in a state of mind.

Life's battles don't always go
To the stronger and faster man,
But sooner or later the man who wins
Is the man who thinks he can.

Where Is Your Power In Thinking Positive?

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Finding Your Purpose

Finding Your Purpose:
Do you know what is driving you? Why are you working so hard and doing so much to get what you want? Do you know your purpose for being here?

Whatever your dreams may be and whatever you want to achieve, it is important to analyse the reasons for those things. The reasons for what you want to have and to achieve are your “why.” Your why is intimately tied to your purpose in life.

The Reason For Achievement:
It seems strange that most of the time we wonder through life without any real purpose of our own. At times we do achieve great things and have the appearance of having a wonderful life. We may even have every material thing we could ever want and be successful at our careers, businesses and every thing else. But, as many who have achieved success will tell you, you can still feel empty inside and your life can still lack real meaning.

Imagine, for a moment, that you have achieved your dreams. You are famous. So what? You have lots of luxury cars. So what? You are number one in your area of expertise. So what? You have the biggest or best company in the country. So what? You are wealthy beyond your wildest dreams. So what?

Achievement, wealth and recognition in themselves are useless if they do not answer the “why” question. Why? Because the reason for doing something is ultimately more important than what is done.

The "Why" Factor:
The answer to these questions lies partly in your why. Your why is the strong reason you desire something. It is not what you desire, but the strong reason why you desire it. If you examine it further you will find that your why is closely tied to your purpose in life: the thing that you are here to do.

So who determines your why and your purpose? Very simply – you do. If you are anything like most people you are probably waiting for some miraculous experience that will tell you why you are here and what you must do. Such moments do occur for some people, but they are the exception and not the rule. The fact is, most people already have the starting point for knowing their purpose in life.

It may be something that interests you, excites you, inspires you, or just that small voice in the back of your head that tells you you ought to be doing something. These are often the clues that hold the answer to finding your purpose. Unfortunately, they are often the clues we tend to ignore or suppress. Yes, they may not be complete clues. Certain pieces of the puzzle may be missing. But these pieces can only be found once we decide to set off on the journey.

You are all you can be. Go on and be it.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Who Is Going To Stop You?

You have the ability to accomplish much more than anyone has ever let you BELIEVE... including yourself.

Most people fail in life all because of SMALL PURPOSES.

The one most important quality that YOU must possess to amount to something in life is DEFINITENESS OF PURPOSE: the knowledge of what you want, a burning desire to achieve great things.

What makes a person EXTRA-ORDINARY is PURPOSE... the consuming desire to accomplish something beyond the ordinary.Behind every great accomplishment is a PURPOSE and not a wish.

It’s been said that a man will become as small as his controlling desire and as great as his dominant aspiration.

A question to therefore ask at this point is, “Who is that YOU that you aspire to become”

My advice to you is;
- To determine what you want more than anything else in life,

- Write down the means by which you intend to attain it, and

- Permit nothing to deter you from pursuing it.

People in the past have fulfilled PURPOSE;
People have realized their DREAMS before;
People have achieved their GOALS and surpassed it before;
People have MADE IT very big in life before.

Anything anyone can do, you can do.
And you can do it better!

How far you go in life is determined largely by how far you are willing to go.
The BIG QUESTION therefore is not;

Who is going to let YOU?

NOBODY... Except YOU can stop YOU.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Motivation To Achieve Success - "To All The Dreamers Out There"

Turn off the t.v... Turn down the volume on your radio.. Block out all noise.. Be quiet and listen.. Listen for just five minutes.. I don't want you to pay attention for my sake, but for yours.. Are you not worth 5 minutes of your own time?

  • Do you have a deep desire to achieve something great? 
  • Do you want to live a more satisfying life?
  • Can you see yourself being happy and successful in every way?
  • Do you believe in your own potential and that here is much more to you than meets the eye?

If so, you are a dreamer.. This article is dedicated to you.. Right now you are the most important person around.. If you had been the only person to ever read this article, I would still have written it, just for you.. You are that special..

What is a dreamer?

But before we go any further, let qualify what a dreamer is because people often don't appreciate being called dreamers.. In-fact, it's almost an insult to call someone a dreams these days.. It's associated with having your head in the clouds and not being realistic.. So let me explain..

A dreamer is a person who is not afraid to challenge society's norms and not afraid to tread their own path rather than following the well-trodden path.. A dreamer is someone who is always willing to take a chance and always asks why before doing something that others are doing blindly.. A dreamer is a person who has a great futuristic picture which they work to achieve at all costs.. Dreamers are world changers..

Dreamers chart their own course and destiny.. Dreamers are always striving to be the person they were meant to be and are not afraid to be different. I believe every one of us is born unique in every way, but over the years we work very hard to become like everyone else..

Don't follow the crowd

Society’s commonsense tells us that that is the way to go. Unfortunately, commonsense is not always good-sense. It’s just common. If you are a dreamer you cannot afford to work on society’s assumptions and standards. You have to be unique.

For instance, a lot of people have spent anything from 15 to 20 years getting an education so they can have that perfect job and earn a huge salary. Unfortunately for most, the perfect job and the huge earnings never materialize. They only have the long hard years of work and loads.

Most of them have lost touch with the very people they are working so hard to provide for - their husband, wife and children, all because of having to “work hard” for a living. Yet few ask themselves if there is a better way. They blindly follow what they've always been taught.

Chart your own course

Following your dreams, however, is a process and comes at a price. What is the process and what is the price to be paid? Be patient. All will be revealed. Patience, by the way is part of it. Get-rich-quick and easy success schemes don’t last.

I hope your dream will come to life and make a positive contribution to the lives of the people of this beautiful country. You can make all the difference and, if you are a dreamer, I know you are not waiting for someone else to do it. You do it!

Sadly but true, and in the words of Myles Munroe - “The poorest man in the world is the man without a dream. The most frustrated man in the world is the man with a dream that never becomes reality.”

Have a dream. Make it a reality!!!