Friday, May 9, 2014

Who Is Going To Stop You?

You have the ability to accomplish much more than anyone has ever let you BELIEVE... including yourself.

Most people fail in life all because of SMALL PURPOSES.

The one most important quality that YOU must possess to amount to something in life is DEFINITENESS OF PURPOSE: the knowledge of what you want, a burning desire to achieve great things.

What makes a person EXTRA-ORDINARY is PURPOSE... the consuming desire to accomplish something beyond the ordinary.Behind every great accomplishment is a PURPOSE and not a wish.

It’s been said that a man will become as small as his controlling desire and as great as his dominant aspiration.

A question to therefore ask at this point is, “Who is that YOU that you aspire to become”

My advice to you is;
- To determine what you want more than anything else in life,

- Write down the means by which you intend to attain it, and

- Permit nothing to deter you from pursuing it.

People in the past have fulfilled PURPOSE;
People have realized their DREAMS before;
People have achieved their GOALS and surpassed it before;
People have MADE IT very big in life before.

Anything anyone can do, you can do.
And you can do it better!

How far you go in life is determined largely by how far you are willing to go.
The BIG QUESTION therefore is not;

Who is going to let YOU?

NOBODY... Except YOU can stop YOU.

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